Ihe nchekwa batrị chọrọ nchekwa nchekwa ike - Atụmatụ amanyere iwu

Batrị nchekwa ike


Na Machị 25, 2021, ministri nke ụlọ ọrụ na teknụzụ ozi kwuru na n'ozuzu nhazi nke ọrụ nhazi, nkwado nke taya ụgbọ elu na ọrụ iwu mba 11 ndị ọzọ amanyere ama ama mara ọkwa na njedebe bụ Eprel 25, 2021, nke gụnyere batrị ọkọlọtọ. nwere “usoro nchekwa ike eletriki na-eji batrị lithium na ihe nchekwa batrị chọrọ.

Batrị nchekwa ike

If you have different opinions on the proposed standard project, please fill in the Feedback Form for Standard Project Establishment (see Attachment 2) during the publicity period and send it to the Science and Technology Department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology by email to KJBZ@miit.gov.cn.(Subject note: Compulsory Standard Project Establishment Publicization Feedback)


isi mmalite:

Ịchọta echiche ọha na eze na atụmatụ nlegharị anya ọkọlọtọ mba 11 dị ka "Aero Tire"



Oge nzipu: Eprel-28-2021